Graduation Ceremony


If I were to encapsulate my adventure at National Taiwan University with one single word, I would choose "unexpected." My life and experiences have changed drastically from what I pictured myself to be today four years ago.

Throughout my college life, I encountered countless challenges and adversities. During those difficult times, some of my plans worked out perfectly, and some of my wishes came true. However, most of the time, I found myself not accomplishing what I set out to achieve. The most important lesson I learned is that life is unforeseeable, and disappointments are often inevitable. No matter how diligently you work and how fervently you want to reach your goal, sometimes you must accept your failures. But do not get me wrong; I am still hard on myself and have high expectations. What I am trying to convey is that I gradually comprehended the appropriate way of handling frustrations is to have the courage to acknowledge and contemplate the reasons behind the defeats and adjust yourself for upcoming obstacles in life.

There were times when the situations were so hard that I did not believe in myself for persevering through them. I am grateful that my friends and family were around me and supported me unconditionally during the worst and most depressing times in my life. At NTU, I met friends who consistently challenged me to be the best version of myself, kept me grounded when I felt my world was falling apart, and instilled self-confidence in me. I had never realized before my university life that friends could have such a profound and incredible impact on me. Besides the friends of similar age, I am grateful for all the professors who taught or instructed me. I learned from them not only the course materials but also, surprisingly, their perspectives on various subjects in life, as well as inspiring lifelong concepts.

The job is not finished, and I am only about to start my career. Despite my supposition that the impediments in the future will only be more severe, I believe that I am well prepared for them, thanks to my astonishing journey at NTU, during which I met wonderful people and had exceptional experiences. I will miss the NTU library study room, seat number B049. I will miss the time I spent hanging out with my friends after class. I will miss the lake by which we chat, my beloved one. Happy Graduation.

"Do all the other things, the ambitious things—travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes… but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness." - George Saunders

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